JAMES | Oustanding Achievement Award 2021 Erin Millican


Bucks New University
BA (Hons) Audio & Music Production

“When applying to study Audio & Music Production at Buckinghamshire New University, I instantly recognised the JAMES accreditation as an assuring factor as to the quality and value of the course, as this indicates a seal of approval from leading industry members.

The accreditation’s pertinence was only further cemented during my studies where a wealth of specialist expertise, knowledge and experience was truly evident throughout lectures, workshops, seminars and master-classes.
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During my Bachelor’s degree I was continually offered exciting opportunities to use state of the art facilities with professional-grade equipment, enabling my development of skills in studio engineering, music producing, post-production sound design and editing, live audio mixing, event project management and more; all under the tuition of industry professionals.

Following my graduation, an exploration into sound for visual media has since led me to progress into post-graduate education, where I am now extremely proud to study Location Sound Recording for Film and Television at the National Film and Television School. This vocational opportunity has also inspired my investment in sound assistant equipment, of which was very kindly funded by my JAMES gift voucher!"

instagram: @erininsound

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