JAMES | Gateway Educational Friend


Gateway Professional Development Training is set up to provide training for personnel in the Creative Industries. Their courses are designed to learn about the different professions not necessarily how to do the work.

In a rapidly changing business and technological environment learning about each other’s professions, and the jargon involved, eases decision making and communication. It and also saves a lot of time and stress.

Learning is an investment, not a cost.

Some courses are designed for Managers and Administrators at all levels from either industry or education. No technical knowledge is assumed. In the pipeline are courses for more technically orientated people and also specialist courses for teachers.
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Courses can be especially designed for any organisation and to meet any learning needs. As well as being highly instructional and relevant Gateway courses are also great fun to do.

See more at www.gatewaypdt.org.uk
N.B. Organisations mentioned here offer short training courses that JAMES feel are worthy of consideration for those seeking additional training for the Creative Industries.

JAMES accreditation of courses applies to full-time academically validated HE or FE courses. These short courses are, therefore, not accredited by JAMES but, after consideration of the value of these organisations, we have invited them to become 'Educational Friends of JAMES'.

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