JAMES | Oustanding Achievement Award 2021 Jake Bhattacharyya


Glasgow Caledonian University
BA (Hons) Music & Sound Production

“When I was initially leaving school and planning my future, the JAMES accreditation for GCU’s Audio Technology course was one that helped me narrow down my search and take the plunge. The four years I spent there were tremendous in shaping me as a person, a student, and as an audio professional, and throughout my time there I knew I could trust both my lecturers and the course content thanks to that JAMES stamp of approval. Having my own JAMES stamp of approval with this award, from among a cohort of extremely talented and hard-working peers, is truly humbling.
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Since graduating I’ve been hard at work pursuing a Masters degree in Sound for the Moving Image at Glasgow School of Art, with a view to moving into the games industry once I’ve completed my time in education. As well as that, I’ve been hard at work with my band, ‘Triptych’, producing our debut album – using my Outstanding Achievement voucher for the most luxurious bass strap money can buy was the only logical option!

Thanks for honouring me with the award – it was certainly a surprise but a very welcome one!”

Instagram: @magnificent.jake

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