JAMES | Oustanding Achievement Award 2021 Michelle Leidi


University of South Wales
MSc (Hons) Music Engineering & Production

“I knew that the course was accredited by JAMES and we had a couple of meetings/Q&A sessions during the three years. The undergraduate degree (BSc Sound Engineer) was stunning. A great balance between theoretical sessions and practical sessions with a lot of opportunities to put your hand in the studio facilities and keep learning. Fabulous lecturers, always available for feedback and extra help.
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The master degree was a bit different. Excluding the pandemic, I think it is basically designed to give you the time and the facilities to focus on your aim and create a project/an idea to put yourself in the business.

My plans are to work in the live industry: I started touring during my second year of my BSc. I also work in music/studio production as a Mastering Engineer collaborating with a studio in Cardiff and different studios in Italy. An eye is always on the research side of the industry: new technologies and ways of producing music is something that has always interested me.”

instagram: @michele.leidi

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