JAMES | Ulster University


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School of Arts & Humanities
Northland Road
BT48 7JL

tel: 02870 123456
web: www.ulster.ac.uk
contact: www.ulster.ac.uk/about/contact-us

BSc (Hons) Creative Audio

We want you to become a multi-skilled practitioner able to work in several areas of sound and music production. In this way, you can build a sustained career in the creative industries.

You will develop a broad understanding of production technology within the context of the creation, manipulation, and presentation of music and sound in a range of contexts including film, TV, animation, games, AR and VR. Taught by a team with extensive creative industries experience, you will learn and practice using industry-standard equipment in our studios, labs and performance spaces. The Creative Audio programme is also flexible, so you can personalise it to match your interests. We are committed to being relevant, practical and forward–thinking.

Using leading–edge tools and technologies, this course develops your skills in recorded sound, live sound and post-production. You will learn modern production and performance methods and techniques including: sequencing, sampling, synthesis, recording, composition and arranging, programming, electronics, processing, editing and post-production.

Collaboration is an important aspect of the creative industries. You will have the opportunity to extend your professional network by studying alongside Cinematic Arts, Game Design, Animation and Drama students – as well as other Music students. In parallel, you will also acquire transferable skills and practical strategies for producing and managing creative projects.

As a graduate of the Creative Audio programme, you will be technologically literate and comfortable creating and communicating ideas within and beyond the audio domain. You will also understand music, sound and technology within the context of cultural developments and in collaboration with other arts fields, supporting work which engages with a range of cultural, community and creative industries opportunities.

For further information, please visit our website: www.creativeaudio.io/about
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Greg O’Hanlon, Course Director on the right and John Harding on the left proudly displaying their JAMES accredited course certificate.

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We are incredibly excited to be joining the JAMES network and we're looking forward to working closely with JAMES and the other members. This certification underscores our commitment to industry readiness and providing the best possible student experience. Being part of the JAMES community means that we are joining a group of like-minded professionals who share our passion for music and media. We're eager to see where this journey takes us.
Greg O'Hanlon, Course Director
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The quality of information and the streamlined nature in which it is delivered speaks volumes about the staff. This course finds a way to explain every topic, regardless of depth or difficulty, in an easy to follow format. In terms of subject matter, the team spends time versing you on why the information presented is important for your venture into the world of music technology. Every topic is carefully selected and is essential for a career in music technology.

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